Quite the full first day! We went to vatican city in piazza san pietro and were welcomed by thousands of people crammed up to st peters basilica. we waited for a bit and the pope came out, made a few rounds in the popemobile and then gave a talk. It was pretty sweet to see that...we went to the vatican museums and saw the sistine chapel and tons and tons of other art (dali, da vinci, raphael, michelangelo, etc). quite the experience. we had lunch at a pizzeria and walked the streets by the vatican. it seems every side street is photogenic! we went back and toured st peters basilica, sat on the spanish steps, saw the vittoria monument, and the trajan column, and the travi fountain, stopping on the way home for another gelato :) between the vatican and the spanish steps and our place we took the subway and all throughout today i started a MINI journal. i saw a bunch of MINIs and decided to take a picture when i saw one so ive been getting quite a few! all the cars here are small; they have all the euro makes like opel and citroen and ...the others i forgot. oh alfa romeos those look nice. and i saw a maseratti at dinner, parked right in front of me! we got internet somehow but it will be sporadic until florence in a week. italy is awesome, i just wish i could speak italian better. ciao!